
Crate aes_kw[][src]

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RustCrypto: AES Key Wrap Algorithm

crate Docs Apache2/MIT licensed Rust Version Build Status

Pure Rust implementation of the NIST AES-KW Key Wrapping Method also described in RFC3394.


RFC3394 § 2 describes AES-KW as follows:

The AES key wrap algorithm is designed to wrap or encrypt key data. The key wrap operates on blocks of 64 bits. Before being wrapped, the key data is parsed into n blocks of 64 bits.

The only restriction the key wrap algorithm places on n is that n be at least two. (For key data with length less than or equal to 64 bits, the constant field used in this specification and the key data form a single 128-bit codebook input making this key wrap unnecessary.) The key wrap algorithm accommodates all supported AES key sizes. However, other cryptographic values often need to be wrapped. One such value is the seed of the random number generator for DSS. This seed value requires n to be greater than four. Undoubtedly other values require this type of protection. Therefore, no upper bound is imposed on n.

The AES key wrap can be configured to use any of the three key sizes supported by the AES codebook. The choice of a key size affects the overall security provided by the key wrap, but it does not alter the description of the key wrap algorithm. Therefore, in the description that follows, the key wrap is described generically; no key size is specified for the KEK.

Minimum Supported Rust Version

This crate requires Rust 1.56 at a minimum.

We may change the MSRV in the future, but it will be accompanied by a minor version bump.


Licensed under either of:

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


The most common way to use KW is as follows: you provide the Key Wrapping Key and the key-to-be-wrapped, then wrap it, or provide a wrapped-key and unwrap it.

use aes_kw::Kek;
use hex_literal::hex;

let kek = Kek::from(hex!("000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F"));
let input_key = hex!("00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF");

let wrapped_key = kek.wrap_vec(&input_key)?;
assert_eq!(wrapped_key, hex!("1FA68B0A8112B447AEF34BD8FB5A7B829D3E862371D2CFE5"));

let unwrapped_key = kek.unwrap_vec(&wrapped_key)?;
assert_eq!(unwrapped_key, input_key);

Implemented for 128/192/256bit keys.


A Key-Encrypting-Key (KEK) that can be used to wrap and unwrap other keys.


Errors emitted from the wrap and unwrap operations.


Default Initial Value as defined in RFC3394 §

Size of an AES-KW initialization vector in bytes.

Type Definitions




Result type with the aes-kw crate’s Error.